Monday 19 February 2007


Iran has hanged in public a man who confessed to involvement in last week's deadly bomb attack on members of the Revolutionary Guards in the tense border city of Zahedan.
Nosrallah Shanbeh-Zehi was found guilty by a Iranian revolutionary court of participating in Wednesday's attack in Zahedan that killed 11 of the guards, as well as an attack on bank in which two people died.
He was hanged at the same location as Wednesday's attack, the IRNA news agency reported Monday.
Shanbeh-Zehi was paraded on local television a day after the bombing confessing to his involvement in the blast and working with the Sunni Jundallah militant group.
The car bomb attack in Zahedan, a city 40 kilometres (25 miles) from the Pakistan border, was followed on Friday by late night clashes and a percussion bomb which lightly wounded one person.
Local officials have said the unrest bore hallmarks of involvement by the United States and Britain, reiterating previous allegations of Western trouble-making in the southeastern Sistuan-Baluchestan province.
According to unconfirmed website reports, Wednesday's attack was claimed by a shadowy Sunni militant group, Jundallah, which has been blamed for a string of armed incidents in the volatile province.
The hanging brings to at least 28 the number of executions in Iran this year. At least 154 people were executed in Iran in 2006, according to an AFP tally based on press and witness reports.
Capital offences in the Iran include murder, rape, armed robbery, apostasy, blasphemy, serious drug trafficking, repeated sodomy, adultery or prostitution, treason and espionage.

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