Sunday 25 February 2007

E-pilgrimage: Imam Reza Calling You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Internet users around the globe can from now on enter the website of Astane-e-Qods-e-Razavi and have an electronic pilgrimage of that holy site!!
Astane-e-Qods-e-Razavi announced on Tuesday the address of its website adding that there is a question and answer (Q&A) link on its homepage through which the users can pose their religious questions and seek consultations!!!

In this site there is also a link labeled 'Green Connection' reflecting the heartfelt memories, through which all visitors can express themselves, or even to perform an e-prayer.
Getting in contact with officials at the Holy Shrine's Public Relations and numerous other centers, including the shrine's electronic library, too, is possible through this site!!!!

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