Monday 26 February 2007

Iran: Atomic program has no brake

  • Ahmadinejad: "Move is like a train ... which has no brake, no reverse gear"
  • U.S. official: "They don't need a reverse gear. They need a stop button"

TEHRAN, Iran (Reuters) -- Iran has no brake and no reverse gear in its nuclear program, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Sunday, while a deputy foreign minister vowed Tehran was prepared for any eventuality, "even for war."
The tough talk comes ahead of a meeting this week of officials from the U.N. Security Council plus Germany in London to consider possible further steps after limited sanctions were imposed on Tehran in December.
"Iran has obtained the technology to produce nuclear fuel and Iran's move is like a train ... which has no brake and no reverse gear," Ahmadinejad said, ISNA news agency reported.


Related news in Farsnews:

Please click Here to read :Iran's N. Train Has No Brakes

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