Was Jesus Tomb Found?
Part 1
The Lost Tomb of Jesus, a new documentary produced by Academy Award-winning director James Cameron, claims that an ancient family tomb, unearthed in 1980 during construction of a Jerusalem apartment complex, once held the bones of Jesus’ family, including His mother, Mary, His “son” (Judah) and Mary Magdalene, supposedly Jesus’ wife.Such a claim threatened to cast doubt on long-held fundamental beliefs of professing Christianity. It is no wonder the film created a firestorm of worldwide attention and polarized reactions before it aired on the Discovery Channel on March 4. Yet the documentary received universal criticism and negative reviews from professing Christians, atheists and secularists alike. Archaeologists and secular scholars rejected the film’s claims, declaring that substantial evidence is lacking and that the logic is faulty.
- David Mevorah, curator of the Israel Museum: “Suggesting that this tomb was the tomb of the family of Jesus is a far-fetched suggestion” (NY Times).
- Jodi Magness, an archaeologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: “This whole case [for Jesus’ tomb] is flawed from beginning to end” (Washington Post).
- Amos Kloner, one of the first men to excavate the tomb in 1980, called The Lost Tomb of Jesus “nonsense” (AP).
- Joe Zias, the archaeology curator of the Israeli Antiquities Authority, dismissed the documentary as a “hyped-up film which is intellectually and scientifically dishonest” (ibid.).
Faulty Logic
The scientific tests and evidence used in the film are under heavy scrutiny. One procedure, called “patina fingerprinting,” which examined the mineral content of the different caskets, was used to “link” the casket of Jesus’ brother James to the other caskets in the tomb. Yet this scientific method has never been used in archaeology before—it was invented solely for this film.The documentary was introduced with this statement: “Leading scientists and theologians have not reached agreement on the meaning of this archaeological discovery and questions remain. We invite viewers to apply their own judgments and interpretive skills.”The film’s experts and makers then proceeded to use vague terms—“most likely”; “probably”; “if”; “perhaps”; “we are only speculating”; “the evidence strongly suggests”—linking these and other qualifiers to circumstantial and inconclusive “evidence,” which was used to jump to wrong conclusions.One tomb is inscribed with the name “Mariamne e Mara,” a specific form of the name Mary. The filmmakers then linked this to Mary Magdalene, stating that “Mariamne” is referenced in the apocryphal book The Acts of Philip—which was written more than 200 years after Mary Magdalene’s death
“Mara,” the film asserted, means “master.” With this definition, the claim was made that Mariamne (i.e. Mary Magdalene) was a spiritual teacher, minister or even an apostle, as indicated in The Acts of Philip. Yet this book was rejected when the writings of the New Testament were canonized—all the other books clearly state that only men could be ordained ministers of God. (See I Timothy 3:1-5 and Titus 1:6.)Inconclusive ScienceMore “proof” was presented when maternal DNA tests were done on samples found in the caskets to determine the relationship of Jesus and Mariamne. When no maternal genetic connection was found, the filmmakers asserted the individuals must have been married. However, this DNA testing only proves the people in the caskets did not share the same mother. This left several other possibilities: They could have been cousins, paternal half-siblings, uncle and niece or aunt and nephew.
In other words, this evidence presented to support the film’s claims is highly-circumstantial at best.
Dr. Daniel Gall, an associate professor of environmental science and archaeology at Mount Olive College, stated that the filmmakers skipped the usual scientific method used for archaeological discovery.
“The accepted scientific method for such discoveries—research, testing, reproducible data and peer-reviewed conclusions—has not been followed…All that is done and then we go public, not before” (Goldsboro News-Argus).According to Joe Zias, who was the curator for anthropology and archaeology at Jerusalem’s Rockefeller Museum from 1972 to 1997, and who had personally numbered the tomb’s caskets, “[The film’s director] has no credibility whatsoever…Projects like these make a mockery of the archaeological profession” (Newsweek).William Dever, retired professor of archaeology at the University of Arizona, said this about the possible motives behind the film: “I’ve known about these ossuaries for many years, and so have many other archaeologists…It’s a publicity stunt, and will make these guys very rich, and it will upset millions of innocent people because they don’t know enough to separate fact from fiction” (Washington Post).The Lost Tomb of Jesus has been universally panned, even by scholars who do not believe in the existence of God or that Jesus was literally the Son of God, born of a virgin mother.However, in refuting the documentary’s claims, some theologians said Christ was physically resurrected, yet others believe He was spiritually resurrected, leaving His body behind. Which is true?“Jesus’ Tomb” – Part 2Can Christ’s Body Be Discovered?When first announced, the Discovery Channel documentary The Lost Tomb of Jesus stirred controversy worldwide, especially among theologians and professing believers.Yet the Church was in the midst of an even greater controversy 2,000 years ago: Will Christians be resurrected from the dead?The apostle Paul had to address this terribly confused thinking: “Now if Christ be preached that He rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: and if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain” (I Cor. 15:12-14).You may wish to read: * Was Jesus’ Tomb Found? - Part 1The hope of Christianity hinges on whether Christ was resurrected from the dead, and whether Christians will also be resurrected. “For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised: And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; you are yet in your sins. Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable” (vs. 16-19).Throughout the rest of the chapter, Paul confirms that Christians will be resurrected—instantly changed from mortal flesh to immortal spirit (vs. 51-53). Old Testament figures such as Job wrote about this hope: “If a man die, shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come” (Job 14:14)—a hope that will be fulfilled upon Jesus Christ’s Return (I Thes. 4:13-17).But How Was Christ Resurrected?In regard to the film, when asked if the discovery of Jesus’ bones would shake their Christian beliefs, religious leaders were largely divided into two camps.On one side were those who asserted that Christ spiritually rose from the dead—that He was transformed into some kind of ethereal figure who left behind His physical shell. But this idea is contrary to the Bible—both Old Testament and New.Luke 24 records the account of when some of Jesus’ followers went to visit His tomb, only to discover that the large stone covering the entrance was rolled aside (vs. 1-2). “And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus” (vs. 3). These followers were met by two “men” (angels in parallel gospel accounts), who told them Jesus had already risen from the dead (vs. 4-7).A Messianic prophecy provides the key as to why Christ’s physical body could not be found. Notice: “For You will not leave My soul [body] in hell [the grave]; neither will You suffer Your Holy One to see corruption” (Psa. 16:10). Jesus’ physical corpse was not allowed to decay—it only existed for three days, after which He was resurrected with a spirit-composed body. (Of course, Jesus was able to manifest Himself in the flesh – John 20:27.) Jesus’ bones cannot be discovered because they no longer exist!Think. Human beings by the millions have a propensity to worship religious relics, including statutes, pictures—and bones! The Bible calls idolatry one of the “works of the flesh” (Gal. 5:19-21). Idolatry is inherent in human nature.In light of this, God would not allow the bones of His Son to be left behind, as men would have surely made them into an idol.Now let’s address the other camp of religious leaders, those who believe Jesus was physically resurrected, thus taking His body with Him to heaven. I Corinthians 15:51 states, “Behold, I show you a mystery…” Indeed, this does seem to be a “mystery” to millions who do not understand the resurrection of the dead—the most basic understanding of what happens in regard to salvation.Paul continues: “…we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” This occurs at Christ’s Return.Paul made plain that Christ also, therefore, “was made a quickening spirit” (vs. 45), and later states, “Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither does corruption inherit incorruption” (vs. 50).Despite such clear passages showing that Christ was NOT physically resurrected, millions are confused and deceived. Consider this email recently received by The Restored Church of God: “Why is everyone so against finding [the] Jesus Tomb? It has to be somewhere. Jesus’ body has to be on earth, it could not have physically gone to heaven. Our universe is at least 26 billion light years big, and even if his body traveled at the speed of light, he would still be traveling for 26 billion light years more (minus 2,000 years). The body would not survive the minute it got out of the atmosphere for lack of oxygen.”A physical being cannot surpass or even match the speed of light. However, a being made of spirit—which, by its very nature, exists outside the physical limitations of gravity, speed, distance, etc.—can instantly travel to God’s heavenly throne and back! Clearly, Christ was resurrected as a Spirit Being, and His appearance, described in Revelation 1:13-16, is certainly not that of a mortal man.Some are confused by passages such as John 20 (referenced earlier), in which “doubting” Thomas felt the resurrected Christ’s hands and side. Christ manifested the wounds in a physical body only because He chose to do so. He had the ability to physically manifest Himself at will. In that very same account, He suddenly appeared in their midst—even though the windows and doors were shut! This could not have happened unless Jesus were a Spirit-Being. Physical bodies cannot walk through walls!For the dedicated Bible student, this should not be a surprise. Angels, who are created spirit-beings, can manifest themselves into the physical as well. In Genesis 19, two angels literally took hold of Lot and his family to save them from Sodom’s destruction: “…the men laid hold upon his hand, and upon the hand of his wife, and upon the hand of his two daughters;
the Lord being merciful unto him: and they brought him forth, and set him without the city” (vs. 16).Surely the resurrected Jesus Christ would have the ability to do the same, and more!
Popular Film No Longer PromotedThe original broadcasting of The Lost Tomb of Jesus averaged more than 4.1 million viewers, Discovery Channel’s largest audience since September 2005. Yet the film’s reckless, “fast and loose” usage of circumstantial and inconclusive evidence brought harsh criticism from secularists and religious believers throughout the world, which (despite denials from a network representative) drove Discovery to pull back from promoting the documentary. Further, the network is not promoting the huge ratings it received during its showing of the documentary.
Ironically, although millions watched the film, the majority was most likely ignorant of what is written in the pages of the world’s best-selling book, the Holy Bible—whether about Jesus Christ or any other subject.Astonishing Ignorance
The article “Americans and the Bible: Bible Ownership, Reading, Study and Knowledge in the United States,” written Michael J. Vlach, reveals startling facts about America’s biblical ignorance:
- Only half of adults interviewed nationwide could name any of the four Gospels of the New Testament * Just 37% could name all four Gospels
- Only 42% were able to correctly name five of the Ten Commandments
- Seven in ten (70%) were able to name the town where Jesus was born, but only 42% could identify Him as the One who delivered the Sermon on the Mount
- 38% of Americans believe the entire Bible (including the Old Testament) was written several decades after Jesus’ death and resurrection
- 12% of adults believe Noah’s wife was Joan of Arc
- 75% believe the Bible is the origin of the saying “God helps those who help themselves” (actually a saying of Benjamin Franklin)
Incredible! No wonder theologians and religionists disagree as to the nature of Jesus Christ’s resurrection. Like Nicodemus, few—even those who profess to be followers of Christ—understand what Jesus meant by the phrase “born again” (John 3). Even fewer know passages such as I John 3:2 ((Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is)) and Philippians 3:20-21((For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: [21] Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.)), which reveal that true Christians, upon being resurrected, will actually appear as Christ does in Revelation 1:13-16.
If you would like to learn the plain answers to questions that have confused millions, read the booklet What Does “BORN AGAIN” Mean?
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